Sylen Solubles

Sylen Solubles is a complete line of formulated NPKs with high quality raw materials, fully water soluble, chlorine free and low pH keeping irrigation system clean.
Source of a balanced and efficient nutrient supply and especially formulated for drip irrigation, these products contain chelated micronutrients and Humic complex HFS 18.
This range meets the crop nutritional requirements during the entire cycle leading to higher yields and quality output while building and fortifying soil’s humic values.
What are the benefits of the Complex HFS 18?
HFS 18 improves soil fertility and plant growth. It is known to produce several types of effects: physical, chemical and biological, as well as ecological effects.
- Improves structure of soil, increases water holding capacity of soil and increases aeration of soil
- Improves and optimizes the uptake of nutrients and water by plants
- Acts as natural chelator for metal ions and promotes their uptake by the roots
- Retains water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduces leaching
- Promotes the conversion of nutrient elements into forms available to plants
- Enhances the nitrogen uptake by plants
- Helps to eliminate chlorosis and the availability of toxic substances in soils
- Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable microorganisms in soil
- Enhances plant natural resistance against diseases and pests
- Stimulates plant growth (higher biomass production) and increases the quality of yields
- Reduces the over-salination problem in the application of water-soluble mineral fertilizers.
Sylen Solubles 20-20-20 + TE is a fully soluble balanced formulation enriched with trace elements and HFS 18. This product is especially formulated in order to provide uniform growth stimulation and prevent nutritional deficiencies during the whole growth cycle.
Packaging: 10 and 25 kg
Sylen Solubles 15-30-15 + TE is a fully soluble formulation with high Phosphorus content especially designed for starter stages in order to increase root installation and development, and for critical stages when demand for available Phosphorus is required. It is produced with high quality raw materials, chelated trace elements and HFS 18.
Packaging: 10 and 25 kg
Sylen Solubles 10-5-40 + TE is a fully soluble formulation with high Potassium content and HFS 18. Designed for fruit setting and fruit development stages where high available Potassium levels are required to achieve good quality produce and high yields.
Packaging: 10 and 25 kg
Sylen Solubles 24-10-10 + TE é um produto completamente soluble formulation used in all crops during the accelerated vegetative crops or on damaged crops. This formulation is enriched with micronutrients and HFS 18 to provide a complete nutritional profile.
Packaging: 10 and 25 kg
Sylenco is manufacturing a complete range of tailor-made formulations to answer different crop requirements, growing systems and crop growth stages.
Feel free to contact us for more details and customized solutions!